THE powerlifting competition

Black Gradient Shade
Black Gradient Shade

• Venue - College stage

• Date - 3rd May

• Time - 2pm onwards

• Registration fee - 100 per event

• Prizes - Exciting prizes

Rules -

A. Competition Structure:

The Powerlifting competition will consist of 3 basic lifts

i.e. Bench Press, Squats and Deadlift.

B. Weight Category:

  • 60-70 Kgs
  • 70-80 Kgs
  • 80+ Kgs

Each category must have atleast 5 Participants otherwise ​the category will be dismissed.

C. Player Eligibility

  • Only MBBS students up to the 2019 batch are eligible to ​participate.
  • Please bring your college identification for enrolling in ​the competition, Lifters who fail to produce their college ​identification will not be permitted to participate

D. Rules of Performance:

  • For Squat, The bar shall be held horizontally across the​ shoulders, hands and fingers gripping the bar After ​removing the bar from the racks, the lifter must move ​backwards to establish the starting position. Upon ​receiving the Chief Referee’s signal the lifter must bend ​the knees andmlower the body until the top surface of ​the legs at the hip joint is lower than the top of the knees. ​The attempt is deemed to have commenced when the ​lifters knees have unlocked. The lifter must recover at ​will to an uprightnposition with the knees locked. For ​Bench Press, The lifter must lie on his back with head, ​shoulders, and buttocks in contact with the bench ​surface. The signal to begin the attempt shall consist of a ​downward movement of the arm together with the ​audible command “Start”, After receiving the signal, the ​lifter must lower the bar to touch the chest or abdominal ​area whereby the underside of both elbow joints is ​lowered level with or below the top surface of each ​respective shoulder joint , hold it motionless, after which ​the Chief referee will signal the audible command “Press ​“The lifter must then return the bar to straight arms’ ​length elbows locked.
  • For Deadlift, The lifter shall face the front of the platform​ with the bar laid horizontally in front of the lifter’s feet, ​gripped with an optional grip in both hands and lifted ​until the lifter is standing erect. On completion of the lift ​the knees shall be locked in a straight position and the ​shoulders back, The Chief Referee’s signal shall consist of ​a downward movement of the arm and the audible ​command “Down”.
  • The signal will not be given until the bar is held ​motionless and the lifter is in the apparent finished ​position. Sumo stance Deadlifts and deadlift straps are ​not allowed.Three attempts will be given to each lifter ​for each lift.

E. Results:

  • Results will be declared by the organizing committee ​after the completion of the Competition.
  • Exciting prizes will be given to the top rankers.
  • Participating certificates will be provided to all the ​participants.

F. Conduct and Disputes:

Lifters are expected to maintain discipline, cooperate with ​the organizing committee and match officials, and accept ​their decisions. Any discrepancies will be resolved by the ​RIPPLE Committee, whose decision will be final.

G. Rule Changes:

The organizing committee reserves the right to make ​changes to the rules or format if necessary for the smooth ​conduct of the tournament.

Incharges - Harsh Soni +917291040943

Yuvraj Satwal +917840892911


Black Gradient Shade