thE Protagonist -Antagonist Drama EVENT

Black Gradient Shade

Date: 10th May 2024

Time: 1:00 PM Onwards

Venue: Conference Hall

Registration fees: Rs. 150

Team Composition: Each team can have a single member or a maximum of 4 members and the roles must be specified. 2 of them will be given the character they need to show while the others have to improvise with the roles along the team and prepare the act.

Switching Roles: The protagonist and antagonist roles must switch at predefined intervals during the competition. This switch could occur after each round, each scene, or at other designated points in the competition.

Duration of Role Play: Specify the duration for each role play segment. This could be in terms of time (e.g., 10 minutes per scene) or number of actions/turns.

Scenes or Challenges: Define the scenes or challenges that teams will face during the competition. These will be , improvisational prompts as the participants will be given 1 hr to prepare for scene.

Judging Criteria: Establish clear criteria for judging each team's performance. This may include factors such as creativity, character development, improvisation skills, teamwork, and adherence to the theme.

Fair Play: for fair play and chances the participants won’t be allowed any electronic device while preparing for the act..

Props and Costumes: Decide whether teams are allowed to use props and costumes during their performances. If so, specify any limitations or guidelines regarding their use.

Audience Interaction: Determine the extent to which teams can interact with the audience during their performances. This could include breaking the fourth wall, soliciting suggestions, or incorporating audience participation elements.

Feedback and Reflection: Provide opportunities for teams to receive feedback from judges and peers after each performance. Encourage teams to reflect on their own performances and areas for improvement.

Final Showdown: Consider incorporating a final showdown or climax where teams have the opportunity to showcase everything they've learned throughout the competition.

Prizes and Recognition: Determine the prizes or recognition that will be awarded to winning teams. This could include trophies, certificates, cash prizes, or opportunities for further development.

Registration and Logistics the teams or individual that’ll be interested have to pay a registration fee of 150/ irrespective of team size.

By outlining these rules and regulations, you can ensure that "Shunya" by Team Manchayan is a fun, fair, and engaging competition for all participants.

Prizes: worth Rs. 10K

Event incharges:

Ayush Pandey: 94531 48318

Abhishek: 85059 22647